Home Mockups PhotoNoob – For Professionals and Non-professionals

PhotoNoob – For Professionals and Non-professionals

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Photonoob is an application built for people are professional and non-professional photographs. Sometimes people are not able to edit photographs. It is due to their busy work lives. This application has options to post images directly and show your work socially. People who are not professional photographers or do not have time to edit their photographs they can use predefined filters. Photonoob filters are special AI-driven features. They detect the kind of object, person, color, scene, etc, and try to match it with true-to-life photograph optimization. It is also great for people who do not have the best cameras and don’t have phones.

#1 The Paper WireFrames

The PhotoNoob Application started from basics like empathizing, ideating, drawing, competitive studies, user studies, and more. The goal is to make filters straightforward depending on a Food or mountain or a simple human subject. Our app is for people from professionals to Noobs, and it will help them click photographs professionally on the go. Here are the paper wireframes for the PhotoNoob application.

My design is user-centric, and I did a lot of research. The research includes creating personas, competitive audits, making user journey maps, and doing user research. We need to understand our end users, making the application more user-driven. I tried to avoid personal bias and conducted usability studies multiple times.

2# Lo-Fi WireFrames for PhotoNoob

The Lo-Fi Wireframes are in the early design stage with basic functionality for the app. I did a usability study and improved on my Lo-Fi Wireframes and prototypes before moving to the Hi-Fi Wireframe stage. The study did include things like how people are able to reach from point A to point B of the application, and how easy or difficult it is to find different options within the application. Here is one of the early designs of Lo-Fi Wireframe for PhotoNoob.

3# Hi-Fi WireFrames for PhotoNoob

Before starting to create my Hi-Fi Design, I build a design system. This system helps me to reuse the elements in my final design, and it is easy to change things like the color, fonts, icons, etc. The first design had an odd color choice, but a usability study helped me to find it out, and I changed the colors on my design system to reflect the changes. Here is what the final product looks like.

4# The Interaction

This is my first UI/UX design in years and a usability study shows that the initial prototype had issues with navigation. I fixed the user flow in my later designs and conducted another study before finalizing my product. Here is the final prototype with motion and interactions.

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